Moley Noley

Location: Somwhere, Kentucky, United States

Friday, May 19, 2006


Here it is, a little after midnight, and I can't sleep. My daughter's birthday is today, and I am trying to get the cupcakes we need for Friday evening done. I am going to get them cooked, and icing will occur tomorrow.

Many things are changing. My daughter is growing older. I can't believe that she is now 11. It is scary to reflect on her as she has grown up. She is truly becoming a little lady. It makes me feel older all the time. Which, really has had me thinking. I am hoping to be changing jobs soon. I have been going through a multi-step process to secure this position that I have wanted for a number of years. As I will soon be changing jobs, it has had me thinking about life. I also think it has some to do with my age.

Anyway, I have been looking inward, trying to find the meaning of life. A colleague answered the question with the answer with: "To enjoy and glorify God." Being a religious person, I liked this answer. However, it raises the question, why are we on this earth. I mean, it appears that we as humans are destroying so much of what God has given us. In general, we are distrustful of one another, we are mean to one another, and we are destroying this beautiful planet that we live on. It seems to me, that we should feel honored to have the opportunity that we have, yet it seems that we are taking it for granted.

I am seeking answers to my question. I have gotten a few, but nothing has impressed me. I like the enjoying and glorifying God. And for me that may become my reason. However, I need to think about it for a few nights.

Well, my cupcakes are done. I am going to go to sleep now.